Sara, who is suffering from a rare life threatening medical condition, spends most of her time in her bedroom. With this in mind, tokidoki was honored to help the Special Spaces team and the EMC2 team out to create a fun, safe haven that reflects Sara's sweet and sassy personality.

After weeks of planning and coordinating, the big day finally arrived, and upon arrival we found out we were not only completely redoing Sara’s room, but FOUR other rooms in the house. We had one day to turn these rooms into a sanctuary, not only for Sara, but for her loving mother, father, brother and nurses. Time seemed to fly as we painted walls, assembled furniture, organized equipment, and added endless special decorative pink and custom tokidoki touches! Highlighted by pink walls and a new pink couch, Sara’s favorite characters from the tokidoki universe, played on the carpet underneath with Mozzarella and the Moofia dancing on the windows with diamante and the Unicornos. tokidoki characters told time on the clock by her desk, and shone light from the ceiling and table lamps!

Sara's Special Space Sara's Special Space Sara's Special Space Sara's Special Space Sara's Special Space Sara's Special Space Sara's Special Space Sara's Special Space Sara's Special Space Sara's Special Space Sara's Special Space Sara's Special Space Sara's Special Space Sara's Special Space

It was such an inspiring experience to see so many people from around the country come together with such enthusiasm to help Sara. For more information about Special Spaces and to see more of the lives they’ve transformed, visit them at

July 14, 2014 —