Congratulations to christinecortez for your awesome Punkstar Maxx GIF! You are the winner of our tokidoki Plush GIF-Away Contest on Tumblr! tumblr_mlc4uj8TGg1rps0b3o1_400 We want to thank all of the awesome submissions, we enjoyed every single one of them! Check out some other submissions: tumblr_mkyvb7qUW51qixvxfo1_500 tumblr_ml9jxqLb391qi5lino1_500 tumblr_ml28k4K2yA1qz7m6eo2_500 tumblr_mla54vEwH51qiu1neo1_400 tumblr_mladm8oY2G1rhbex9o1_1280 tumblr_mlbfmhD6yz1qazx7qo1_500 tumblr_mlbiyjyv1u1qe0cnko1_500 tumblr_mlbta91jzs1rffj4bo1_400 We love our creative fans!
April 17, 2013 —